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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The mission of FIDA is to support destitute women, and vulnerable adolescents and children in an effort to improve their livelihood and to enable them to be self-supporting and have greater control over their lives through the promotion of participatory and sustainable development program. 

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Ongoing Projects

Child Sponsorship for at-risk children and youth to successes their education
The Project is supporting 250 children/families in distribution of cash for their school fee, clothes and medical costs since 2007. The program is implementing with authorized project agreement and technical support of Addis Ababa City Government Women’s & Children Affairs Bureau.

Construction of kindergartens
This project is serving more than 320 vulnerable children in two schools by providing quality and free education, potable water, toilet facilities and secure and convenient school compound to play and for other related activities.


Women Social and economical empowerment project
The women are involved in different kinds of income generating activities and these activates are empowering their day to day earnings. In addition, they have become more accountable to manage their family. They have also become more involved in their children’s education performance.

Elderly Sponsorship program
Psycho-social and materials support to destitute Elderly Guardians to contribute towards effective livelihood of the elderly guardians of orphans.
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"Friendship is not a big thing, it's a million little things."

- Anonymous

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The Story:

Founded in 2005

Established by a group of Ethiopian friends the organization is registered and certified in Ethiopia as an Ethiopian Residents Charity, Reg. No 0170

The Impact: 

500+ Families Served

FIDA is committed to the growth, education, financial support and success of families, women and children with a diverse set of needs within their community. 

The Need: 

Your Support

Expansion of the Direct Child Sponsorship Program;  Enhance the quality of a feeding centre for at risk children in our kindergarten to ensure the
children receive at least two meals per day; Organize and strengthen the women’s Self Help Groups (SHGs) and working on Women Social and Economic Empowerment projects;  Working on Elderly and children with disabilities has provided holistic supports.

To Volunteer,
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