68-years young Atlanta, Georgia
January 30th, 2024
I finished my
yearlong journey
discovering Africa!
You have positively changed my life forever, in more ways than I can count, and even more than I know right now. You are uniquely glorious, rich in culture, pride, beauty, and a force of love.
Over the 335 days of my yearlong journey, I visited 12 countries, one per month and volunteered one week in 10 countries. Thank you to everyone who followed my journey, those who helped fund giving opportunities like:
A printer for a school in Kumasi, Ghana,
Funds donated to innovative businesses like TechLit Africa, Ahadi Reuseable Pads, Sky Digitals Portable WIFI vending machine and Serena Clean Water foundation.
Over the course of the year, I volunteered at:
Gjenge Makers in Kenya, who takes plastic waste and makes bricks stronger than concrete
Abebech Gobena Charity in Ethiopia, helped with marketing and also shared my personal testimony at FIDA (Friendship for Integrated Development Association) with 30 young ladies in Ethiopia
Azizi Life Artisans in Rwanda, helping with marketing by creating email promotions
Kampala Animation and Film School in Uganda, where I taught a personal branding class
Teachers to the Nations in Liberia, teaching social media best practices for young adults
BTAC (Bridge to Africa Connection) in Kumasa, Ghana, gave graduation charge and taught several workshops for BTAC participants
Global Aid mission in Zimbabwe, supporting children and families with Albinism
Glotto Fashion label in Botswana, worked behind the scenes
Built a website in Eswatini for Lucky Tours
ArtfulRhinos where I sold tee shirts to raise money to stop rhino poaching and empower young artists in Cape Town

Thanks to everyone who helped make this experience incredible, I can't wait to call you out by name in the book I am writing which chronicles this life-changing journey.
Thank you Africa, and everyone who followed and were also blessed by this amazing experience.
Most of all, thank you God for trusting me with this assignment, protecting, and ushering me 335 days through the magnificent continent of Africa.
I was not sick one day,
I ate all the food,
my life was never threatened,
I experienced love and a welcoming spirit everywhere I went.
You did that and I am eternally grateful.

Love, Venida
Venida Discovers Africa 365
I Traveled To...